Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pieces of me

Something strange I do not comprehend
Is this: I start to write a certain verse
But by the time that I come to its end
Another has been written that is worse
Or possibly better than the one I meant
And certainly not the same, and different.

I cannot understand it–I begin
A poem and then it changes as I write,
Never have I written the one I thought I might,
Never gone out the door that I came in,
Until I am perplexed by this perverse
Manner and behavior in my verse.

I’ve never written the poem that I intended;
The poem was always different when it ended.

- Merrill Moore

Saturday, December 18, 2010

self with hat

"My intimates have caught me more than once in front of a mirror. To tell the truth, I was looking at myself while thinking of the difficulties I'd have if one day I should want to paint my portrait. But- why not?- There was still a little admiration in it.

I admit it, I didn't hesitate to outline my eyes a little and redden my mouth slightly, though it didn't really need it, and yes... yes...

I wanted to please them."
- Chagall

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


"Living only for the moment, turning our full attention to the pleasures of the moon, the snow, the cherry blossoms... singing songs, drinking wine...floating, floating; caring not a wit for the pauperism staring us in the face, refusing to be disheartened, like a gourd floating along with the river current: This is what we call The Floating World."
- Richard Lane, Images of the Floating World

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hamza, among others

One of my favorite things to do in the Universe, is take a walk in San Francisco. Every neighborhood is different and wonderful. A million things to look at and places to go. But there are favorite places, where you can stop for a cup of coffee and borrow a corner with a table and a chair, and sketch.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hugh Jackman doodle

Vlad the Sparkly Impaler, or Prince Spunk Ransom

I read an article the other day. Some genealogy sight claimed Robert Pattinson is a distant relative of Vlad the Impaler, via some some otherwise unknown family of Pickerings, and THE ROYAL FAMILY.


The news focused on how the actor playing a vampire could be related to one, but the thing that got me was... via the Royal Family?


Not bad for a kid who's Dad used to sell used cars for a living. And... I mean, exactly how close to the Royal Family are we talking here? How many people are between Mr Pattinson and the crown of England?

Because, not to undercut the threat of Vampires or anything, but I believe in Twilight fans. They have power. They can make things happen.

That's all I'm saying.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Learning how to draw Eric (or trying to)

Eric was foolish enough to agree to model for me a few years ago, for a work related project that involved me putting him in a silly hat, under bright lights and shouting, "Now, stand like a hero!"

... Though, as it happens, Eric is GREAT at standing like a hero. And although my drawngs from that particular project were terrible, I got a neato hat out of it... and Eric has been a pretty good sport ever since.

I still haven't figured out how to draw him though. Mostly, I find I draw him in pieces. One of these days, I will draw the right pieces all at once, and then... I dunno. Might need to get a new hat then, come to think of it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Boy in badly drawn hat

Got carried away with noodling in the face and forgot to define the hat. Which ought to bother me but for some reason, doesn't. I was more entertained about hinting at a lower lip without actually drawing one.

Red headed girl in an undefined hat

Colored pencil again in my beloved craft paper sketchbook. Somewhere between 10-20 minutes. Getting closer.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old point of view

Was going through some old dusty piles of art I have tucked under beds and behind cabinets, and found an old self portrait from a million years ago. Weird.