Saturday, January 31, 2009

Open Figure Drawing Session at the Art Institute

I don't know why I feel so shy about going new places on my own. Especially considering how often I end up doing exactly that.... anyway, I managed to talk David into coming with me, to check out the open drawing session at the Art Institute. I love the space there. It makes me wish I could go back to school and get my masters.

"What would getting your Masters do for you?" Eric asks me.

and, yeah, I dunno. nothing really. I'd just be using schooling as a feeble, yet expensive way of circumventing my issues with self discipline. Also, it would just be way way fun.

anyway, here are some of my sketches from last night's session. Not sure what I think of them, just glad to have gone.

1 minute sketch, marker, gesso, and charcoal on craft paper.

5 minute sketch, marker, gesso, colored pencil, and charcoal on craft paper.

20 minute sketch, colored pencil on craft paper.

Thursday, January 8, 2009